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Mistress of Ceremonies

Mistress of Ceremonies​
"She cracks a witty whip"
Awards ceremonies, public forums, panel discussions and conferences. Nell has wrangled the lot, including TEDxByronBay2021 and sessions at the Byron Writers Festival 2023.
Voice Artist
Voice Artist
"Always on point"
Trained at NIDA to command attention, Nell's voice has matured into one of her finest assets. She narrates documentaries, announces Mardi Gras and voices Media Watch.
"Authoritative and always entertaining"
The intimacy of being on the same wavelength and having the potential to affect positive social change is what excites Nell about broadcasting. Listen to her show Roadtrip and her podcast, This Week in Cyberspace

Public Speaker
Public Speaker
"Brave and quietly zealous"
From fashion and film to queer identity and conservation, Nell's unique life experience brings a juicy perspective to her role as social commentator.
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